(1 à 2 servings)
3 eggs
salt and pepper
1 tablespoon butter
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© Janneke's Recipe pages - recipe Atkins diet
How to prepare:
Break the eggs in a bowl, add salt and pepper and stir with a fork till white and yolk are well mixed. Heat a non greased frying pan till hot, put the butter
in and move the pan around so the butter melts immediately and greases bottom and sides.
Add the eggs when the foam disappears but before the butter is brown.
Move the pan rapidly back and forth to prevent the eggs to stick to the bottom.
Let the, still liquid, eggmass spread, still moving the pan back and forth.
Fold the omelette and slide it on a heated dish.
Omelettes can be filled with for example cooked ham, grated cheese, green herbs or deep fried chopped mushrooms.
First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands