Stuffed fishrolls
(8 pcs)
1 can tuna (85 gr) in water
250 gr
fish fillet,
i.e. cod, sole or sail needle
1 tablespoon oil
1 teaspoon lemon juice
pepper and salt
2 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons flour
2-3 tablespoons water
100 gr
some butter
If shown, hover = photo = conversion
© Janneke's Recipe pages - fish meals, Easter
How to prepare:
Drain the tuna and keep the fluid. Cut the fillets in 8 thin slices of 3-5 mm thick and 6 x 15 cm (or let the fish seller do this). Mix the oil and lemon juice well and
drizzle the fillets. Season with little
ground pepper and salt.
Melt the butter and add the flour.
Stir well and simmer 1 minute.
Add the drained tuna fluid and water and stir well until the mixture binds.
Add the tuna. Drain the shrimps and add to the tuna mixture. Season with pepper and salt. Let the (thick) mixture cool.
Preheat the oven to 175°C/350°F (fan oven 160°C/310°F). Make of the shrimp-tuna mixture 8 balls and wrap each in a fish fillet. Optional fix with a skewer. Place straight-up in a greased oven dish and
top each roll with 1/2 a teaspoon butter.
Bake the fish rolls 25 minutes in the oven.
First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands