Tuna burger


1 can (185 gr) tuna in water

1 egg

6 slices old white bread

2 tablespoons onion

1 tablespoon celery

1 tablespoon parsley

1/2 teaspoon basil

pinch lemon peel

pepper and salt

2 tablespoons butter

4 buns


4 slices tomato


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How to prepare:

Drain the tuna, keep the draining water. Loosen the tuna with a fork.

Add beaten egg, crumbled (crustless) bread, grated onion, celery, chopped parsley, chopped basil, grated lemon peel, pepper and salt. Mash well. (Add, if the mixture is too dry, a small amount of the tuna water.)

Mold 4 hamburgers and fry the tuna burgers in butter or margarine on both sides.

Half the buns and roast golden brown (toaster, oven or frying pan).

Spread with mayonnaise, place the tunaburgers on top and garnish with slices tomato.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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