Fruit kebab(± 20 pcs)Ingredients:2 peaches1 pear1 banana1 small melon50 gr butter or margarine0.5 dl red wine1/4 teaspoon ginger syrupjuice + grated peel of 1 small orange
20 skewers
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How to prepare:Soak wooden skewers for at least 30 minutes.Cube the cleaned fruit and thread alternate to the skewers.Make a marinate of melted butter or margarine with red wine, ginger syrup, juice and grated peel of the orange. Coat the fruits well.Grill the kebabs for ± 15 minutes in the oven or on the barbecue.Coat regular with the sauce.The remaining sauce is delicious over meat.Fruit kebabs taste great with fish.
First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands |
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