Marinated pork chop

(6 pcs)


1 can tomato paste (70 gr) photo recipe


2 tablespoons sweet soy sauce

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 tablespoon parsley

1 tablespoon chives

1 teaspoon maggi liquid seasoning

(flour or cornstarch)


6 (thin) chops


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's Recipe pages - meat meals, barbecue recipes, pork meat


Preparation in advance:

Mix the tomato paste with 2 empty tomato-cans of water and the rest of the marinade ingredients in a pan. Bring the marinade to a boil.

The marinade must approximately have the thickness of yogurt, if not, add some flour or cornstarch. Let boil for 1 minute.

Let the marinade cool and cover the chops photo recipe. Marinate for at least 2 hours.

The chops can be frozen marinated.

How to prepare:

Broil the chops (depending on the thickness) or grill on the barbecue on both sides 8-12 minutes or fry (both sides 5 minutes) over high heat in a frying pan.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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