Cherry pie


250 gr flour convert conversion

3 teaspoons baking powder

250 gr convert conversionquark

200 gr convert conversionbutter or margarine

1 large can cherries in juice

1 tablespoon cornstarch

5 dl convert conversionwhipping cream

50 gr convert conversionsugar

2 tablespoons vanilla sugar

"Whip it" (cream stabilizer)

125 gr convert conversionicing sugar

1-2 tablespoons cherry juice


baking oven

springform pan Ø 22-24 cm

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's Recipe pages - recipe pie and pastry making


How to prepare:

Sift flour and baking powder on a work area, make a hole and add quark and butter. Knead to a smooth dough. Roll to 1/2 cm thick and fold a few times. Repeat rolling and folding 2 more times. Place the dough at least 2 hours in the fridge.

Preheat the oven to 220°C/425°F (fan oven 200°C/395°F).

Roll the dough very thin on a flour dusted working surface. Cut three circles which are 1 cm larger than the bottom of the pan. Wash the springform pan with cold water, place the dough and bake 10-15 minutes. Repeat with the other two circles.

Drain the cherries and keep the juice. Take 125 ml convert conversionjuice and heat in a sauce pan. Bind with cornstarch and add the cherries. Let the jelly cool.

Beat the cream with vanilla sugar, sugar and "Whip it" to peaks. Divide the cherries over the bottom cake layer, place the second one and cover with a substantial layer whipping cream. Top with the last layer.

Stir the icing sugar with a spoon cherry juice to a glaze and brush over the pie.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands

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