Sweet twists (without baking oven)
(± 45 pcs)
1 egg
1 tablespoon sugar
1.3 dl
250 gr flour

icing sugar
oil to deep-fry
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© Janneke's Recipe pages - recipe cookies, pie and pastry making
How to prepare:
Beat the egg with the sugar in a bowl and add the milk while beating.
Sift the flour with the salt and mix with the egg mixture to a firm dough.
Add optional little more milk.
Roll the dough on a flour dusted working surface.
Cut the dough in strips of 10 x 3 cm. Make lenghtwise a long cut in the middle. Pull one end through the cut to get a double twist.
Fill a (deep fryer) pan up to a third with oil and heat the oil to 180°C/360°F.
Fry 3-4 cookies at the same time on both sides golden brown. Drain on kitchen paper.
Sift icing sugar over the warm twists.
First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands